Many valuable historical relics have been preserved intact. 许多珍贵的历史文物完整地保存了下来。
I have strong interest in visiting historical relics. 我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣。
Look at these historical relics here, amazing! 看这些历史遗址,真令人惊叹!
Bird Island in the central part of the painting is Mu centres, museums, preservation of historical relics and many huge painting. 位于岛中部的鸟穆是绘画中心,博物馆内保存着许多历史文物和巨幅绘画。
I have categorized these stamps are arranged together, there are animals, there are plants, there are landscapes types, there are historical relics class. 我把这些邮票都分门别类的排列在一起,有动物类,有植物类,有山水风光类,有历史文物类。
Historical Relics Exhibition Corporation for Foreign Countries 对外文物展览有限公司
It is imperative to preserve Chinese historical timber buildings ( CHTB) because the impact of time and environment has seriously reduced the resistance capability of these historical relics. 研究木结构古建筑的抗震性能对保护和开发我国古建筑遗产具有重要意义。
There are so many fascination historical relics and ancient sites of cultural interest. 这里的历史文物、名胜古迹,真是令人吃惊。
The two existing terrace inscriptions have great historical relics value. 现存的两通露台碑刻,具有很高的历史文物价值。
Changde, is getting out from its deeply known impression of being "a kingdom of historical relics and a thousand-year-old ancient city" and marching toward a modern city of "fashion and dynamic". 常德,从“文物之邦,千年古城”的温润厚重中走来,向着“时尚动感”的现代之都进发。
Making full use of historical relics can strengthen the economic development as well as the tourism development. 利用文物资源可以促进旅游业的发展从而带动相关经济的发展。
England can well boast of its numerous scenic spots and historical relics. 英格兰以拥有许多名胜古迹而自豪。
They reflect the essential concepts of Chinese Slavery Society and are rare historical relics. 而且还反映了当时奴隶社会的伦理道德观念,成为历史的见证。
Some historical relics were unearthed. 数件历史文物被挖掘出来。
Both cities are famous for their historical relics and beautiful sightseeing. 这两个城市都以文物古迹和优美的风光著称。
Some who occupy positions in the fields of art and publishing or in departments in charge of cultural and historical relics have simply degenerated into merchants intent on nothing but profit. 有些混迹于艺术界、出版界、文物界的人简直成了唯利是图的商人。
I had the chance to see some well-preserved historical relics and old cities. 在以色列我参观了一些保存良好的历史遗迹和古城。
Sichuan's beautiful landscapes and rich historical relics have also made the province into a major center for tourism. 许多美丽的自然景观和丰富的历史遗迹在此形成了一个旅游中心。
Recently, the international joint crew of the program "City Code" went to Hongshan site museum to explore the historical relics and feel the culture of Wu and Yue. 近日,《都市密码》国际联合摄制组走进鸿山遗址博物馆,探寻历史遗迹,感受吴越文化。
The City of Memory inherits the layout and texture of the ancient city, preserves historical relics and sites, taps the connotations of historical culture, and introduces new vital factors. 记忆之城延续古城格局与肌理,保留古迹与历史遗迹,发掘历史文化内涵并赋予新的活力要素。我想看些历史古迹,像非常古老的遗迹。
On one side of the canal is historical relics, another side modern arts, both of which bring Otaru two different feelings. 运河一面古迹,一面时尚,牵动着小樽的两种情绪。
It has a lot of scenic spots& historical relics in the area. 在青浦区内和周边有着许多风景名胜、历史遗迹。
They tried their best to avoid destroying the historical relics. 他们尽最大可能避免破坏文物。
Yueyang is a famous tour scenic spot with rich tour resources, natural view, historical relics and folk-custom. 岳阳是著名的旅游胜地,旅游资源丰富,自然景观、胜古迹、俗风情融为一体。
Among the crimes that currently carry the death penalty are bribing an official and stealing historical relics. 目前官员受贿和盗窃历史遗物也包括在执行死刑的犯罪中。
We are getting up an exhibit of the precious historical relics newly unearthed. 我们正在筹备展出新出土的珍贵历史文物。
The paper argues that the site discovered was proved to be the site of Mingtang ( the Hall of Light) in Northern Wei Dynasty according to its location, the documents and the historical relics. 依据遗址的位置和出土文物,结合历史文献资料,确定其为北魏平城明堂遗址。
All these precious sutras and cultural relics are on display in the Historical Relics Museum of the Jiuhua Mountain. 这些文物,现都集中在九华山历史文物馆展出。
According to its own condition, Langfang is planning to develop theme tourism like gardens, exploration of historical relics, business and exposition, leisure and holiday, shopping and ecology. 廊坊市根据本市的特点,谋划发展主题公园游、探访古迹游、商务会展游、休闲度假游、购物游和生态游。
We have no better way to know about them but to resort to our imagination and scarce historical relics like skulls, teeth fossils and primitive stoneware etc. 我们对这些祖先的认识和了解没有更好的途径,全凭一些头盖骨、人牙化石和粗糙的石器去想象。